Blue Haven Pools accepts resumes and job inquires on an ongoing basis. If you would like to be considered for a position, you can either: Contact the Blue Haven office in your area. Click here for the national office directory. OR Provide a preliminary statement of interest and/or submit your resume using the form below.

  • Select the name of each Blue Haven office(s) at which you would like to be considered for a position. All current office areas have been listed for you in this drop-down box in alphabetical order by state.

    To select multiple locations, hold down the Ctrl key, then make your first selection by clicking on with your mouse (then release the click button). Your selection will highlight in blue. Continue holding down the Ctrl key, and scroll to your next selection. Click on it to select. Repeat to make all of your selections.

  • In the space below, provide a general summary of your skills and experience. This description may be more detailed if you like. You may also provide a description of the kind of position that you seek. (You may scroll down in the box to include longer text if desired.) AND/OR

    Submit your resume: If it is a Word document or an Acrobat .PDF document, click the browse button and browse to your resume to attach it to this submission. Or, you can copy and paste the contents into the box below following any comments you may have included.

  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Indicate any other comments or information that you would like us to know.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.